Daniel Parsons
author : Daniel ParsonsDaniel Parsons lives in South Wales, UK, where he writes fast-paced fantasy and horror stories.\n\nHe has written seven books, including The Twisted Christmas Trilogy, The Necroville Series, The Canvas Chronicles and The Creative Business Series for authors. His books have sold in six countries and he has hit multiple Amazon bestseller lists.\n\nHis comedy zombie story, The Dead Woods, has received extensive acclaim on the story-sharing website Wattpad where it garnered over 34,000 reads across 70 countries and was named one of the site’s Top Zombie Stories as part of a campaign to promote Hollywood’s Pride and Prejudice and Zombies movie.\n\nTo contact Daniel, sign up for his bi-monthly newsletter at www.danielparsonsbooks.com/sign-up/ or join his 90,000+ followers on Twitter by searching @DKParsonsWriter. He always loves to hear from readers.\n View more >>Daniel Parsons Book Series